Mortal Kombat X Review

“This is the very best Mortal Kombat game ever.”

Long time fans of Mortal Kombat the time is here as a new game hits new generation consoles with Mortal Kombat X. As you would come to expect MKX is a brilliant fighter but here are some reasons it is a must buy for those who are fans of the series and those who are not.

I have to applaud NeatherRealm Studios for the adding of eight new playable characters. That is a pretty big number, especially for a title that usually brings nothing new character-wise to the table. Along with characters of old each have their own unique and fun style that draw you in with classic Mortal Kombat brutality. Making them fit right in with our favorites like Scorpion.

Of course the combat is good but the mechanics this time around are deeper and much more enjoyable. In a way every fighting game is the same and you have to do something different if you truly want to stand out from the others. MKX did a good job adding features to the combat and giving each character a long list of moves to use against an opponent. MKX feels like the smoothest Mortal Kombat game I have ever played, and I have played them all. This game truly stands out among the rest.

I do have to admit the four hours I spent in Story Mode was not my favorite part of the game though. It just felt out of place and wasn’t super innovative, unlike the game itself. While I had a heap of fun going though everything else the game had to offer I found myself wondering why the story mode exist. Sure it got four more hours of play out of me then normal and I did get some achievements for my Xbox One, but other than that nothing about the Story Mode made me think it was needed, or that anybody really wanted it.

Another thing that I liked about MKX is the Krypt, because lets be honest nobody is buying this game for the story. The Krypt is a a place you can unlock some pretty funny costumes and finishers. Also what makes this so awesome is it almost feels like a game of its own as you spend the “koins” you earn to open treasure chest that could have anything inside.

Graphically the game is fantastic absolutely the most beautiful fighting game I have ever gotten my hands on. The dark grimy visuals and brutal combat are all put together wonderfully and everything just looks great. As much as I tried I could not find one issue with this game graphically as it shines in that area.

At the end of the day I must admit this is the very best Mortal Kombat game ever. From the new characters and deep skill list to the Krypt and combat mechanics everything feels great and other than story that nobody really expected or bought the game for it is hard to say anything bad about Mortal Kombat X as it has far exceeded my expectations and really showed what can be done with a fighting game running on new gen consoles.

Verdict = GREAT

4.5 out of 5 Stars

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