Thowback Thursday – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Review

“There isn’t really a game from 1998 that holds up quite as well as Ocarina of Time.”

It’s been a long, long time since I have dusted of my old Nintendo 64 and played tunes on this ocarina and now it is finally time to do it again. The Legend of Zelda is a legendary Nintendo title that always pushes the boundaries of Nintendo consoles, but there is a reason Ocarina of Time is the long-standing king of this franchise and still has not been matched today. Simply put the game is one of the best ever.

I always talk about how it amazes me the way some of these old games withstand the test of time and still hold up with some of today’s video games, well that couldn’t be truer with Ocarina of Time. In fact, gameplay-wise this game is just as good and sometimes even better than some of the third-person action-adventure games we play now. This is truly amazing considering the level of power and skill we have to work with in today’s gaming world.

The combat just feels natural and technical. Dodging, blocking, and attacking are all smooth and each enemy you battle feels different causing you to use a different mindset to beat them. Combat isn’t the only part of the gameplay that feels good either as the movement and platforming are also on point as you go though the games many puzzles.

Graphically the game is one of the best on the 64 while there are some that look better than Ocarina of Time none of those games are as vast and Nintendo did a great job of balancing the great graphics throughout the huge world. While it certainly doesn’t hold up to today’s graphics it is beautiful and doesn’t hurt my eyes as some older games tend to do now.

We all know the story of Link and Princess Zelda and this game follows that same story here, but it is presented in a way that flows better than any of the Zelda games before it and even some of the Zelda games today. From receiving your first sword and shield and setting out for adventure to finding Princess Zelda and making your way though dungeons. Ocarina of Time does a wonderful job telling the story of Link.

The game is full of content. Each dungeon presents a stiff challenge and boss that adds depth to an already fun game. Each mission provides a new challenge and nothing ever comes easy but it is always fun to attempt and overall I put 25 hours into the game which is short compared to the first time I played it and didn’t know what I was doing.

Overall there isn’t really a game from 1998 that holds up quite as well as Ocarina of Time. The fighting system is still fantastic, the story is still one of the best, and the challenges presented in each mission (especially the dungeons) make for one hell of an experience. I do not know much people who hasn’t played this game, but if you haven’t you should be looking for a Nintendo 64, or just pick up the remastered one.

Verdict = Instant Classic

5 out of 5 Stars

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